Title of book: To Kill a Mocking Bird
Author of book: Harper LeeSo far in the book To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee I have learned about a girl named Scout that has this brother named Jem and a curious friend named Dill, and there are some other fringe characters that make this book so special to so many people. For instance, there is Atticus, there ia Author "Boo" Radley, there is Nathan Radley(Boo's older brother), there is Mr.Radley(Boo's father), and there are also a bunch of other characters.
After Mr.Radley died Nathan Radley came to watch over the house and Boo. But I think that Nathan only came to watch over things because he doesn't probably didn't trust Boo all alone by himself in the house. I say this becuase he didn't bother to come live in his dad's house before he died and he probably doesn't trust Boo because of what he did when he was younger.