Title of book: Bull Rider
Author of the book:Marilyn Halvorson
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Dear Ms.Johns
My book Bull Rider by Marilyn Havorson is about this boy named Layne who's father was killed during a bull ride. Layne's fathers death encouraged him to become a bull rider. The only problem is that Layne's mother doesn't want him to be a bull riding cowboy and he still does it behind her back. One problem that he came in contact with was that he almost got killed by a bull named Rhino. His little sister Tara [aka Terror as Layne calls her] is always there with him because she loves her horse named Rambo at Jana's [Layne's best friend] parents rodeo.
What I can infer from my book Bull Rider by Marilyn Havorson is that Jana and Layne like each other because in my book after Layne's bull riding accident when Layne and Tara were on their way home Jan kissed Layne on the lips and in the sweetest voice she told Layne ''Be careful.'' 'One question that I would ask Marilyn Havorson is why doesn't Layne's mother think that he isn't bull riding? If Layne loves bull riding so much why doesn't she get it in her head that he isn't going to quit?'
Author of the book:Marilyn Halvorson
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Dear Ms.Johns
My book Bull Rider by Marilyn Havorson is about this boy named Layne who's father was killed during a bull ride. Layne's fathers death encouraged him to become a bull rider. The only problem is that Layne's mother doesn't want him to be a bull riding cowboy and he still does it behind her back. One problem that he came in contact with was that he almost got killed by a bull named Rhino. His little sister Tara [aka Terror as Layne calls her] is always there with him because she loves her horse named Rambo at Jana's [Layne's best friend] parents rodeo.
What I can infer from my book Bull Rider by Marilyn Havorson is that Jana and Layne like each other because in my book after Layne's bull riding accident when Layne and Tara were on their way home Jan kissed Layne on the lips and in the sweetest voice she told Layne ''Be careful.'' 'One question that I would ask Marilyn Havorson is why doesn't Layne's mother think that he isn't bull riding? If Layne loves bull riding so much why doesn't she get it in her head that he isn't going to quit?'