Monday, November 10, 2008

Readers Response # 9

Tilte of your book: Disney's Princess Collection-Love&Friendship Stories
Author of book: Sarah E. Heller
Pages Read: 17-32

Sleeping Beauty: The Friendship of Fairies

"In amagical kingdom there lived three kind and gentle fairies: Flpra, Fauna, and Merryweather. Together, they worked to bring forth beauty, happiness, and love. Only by the power of their friendship could they defeat the evil power of their rival, Maleficent. One day after Maleficent cursed the infant Princess Aurora with a powerful spell, the three good fairies secertly conspired to protect the innocent baby."

"Maleficent doesn't know anyhthing about love or kindness or the helping others,"Fauna reminded her firends.

Just by reading the first two paragraphs of the book what can you infer about the three good fairies? What can you infer about the three good fairies rival Maleficent?

What I can infer is that the three good fairies really do care about Aurora the infant baby because they eventually start to live the life of four peasents to keep Aurora the infant baby safe and otu of Malefcent's hands reach. To me Maleficent is like the least person in a situation that you would like to see. For example, if your mom gets married with a men and you don't like him in yor situation he can be Maleficent because you might think 'maybe he could snap at any minute. Maybe he starts to get too abusive. Maybe he uses your mom as a three months married package and he leaves her and divorces her for no apparent reason.'

Happy Holidays
I hope that your wishes come true
"Respect Everyone.
Hurt No-One.
Be Someone."

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